About Positive Nutrition

Family Nutrition
Food Coaching for Athletes
Intuitive & Mindful Eating
Disordered Eating
Healthy Living

Photo by LoveLee Imagery, Canton, GA.
About Positive Nutrition
Positive Nutrition provides nutrition counseling and other services by a Registered and Licensed Dietitian. Clients meet with the dietitian as individuals or families to determine their counseling needs and may schedule further meetings as desired or appropriate. Clients may also register for a Positive Nutrition Plan for 6, 12, or 24 sessions. In many cases, Positive Nutrition is designed to be part of a multidisciplinary team, including physicians, medical specialists, psychiatrists/psychologists, social counselors, coaches, and/or personal trainers. This allows nutrition counseling to be more effective in overall health promotion and achievement of client goals. Clients may be referred to Positive Nutrition by other professionals, or individuals may contact Positive Nutrition independently.
Positive Nutrition utilizes office space inside East Cobb Center for Therapy, located in the East Cobb area of Marietta, GA. Speaking engagements and group educations are also provided throughout the north metro Atlanta area and downtown as negotiated.
About Julie Brake
Julie C.H. Brake received her Master of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition from the University of Florida. She is a Registered Dietitian with the Commission on Dietetic Registration and is licensed by the State of Georgia. In the past, she also received training as a lactation counselor. Julie is a member of the national Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; the Sports and Human Performance Nutrition (SHPN) Dietetic Practice Group; the Behavioral Health Nutrition (BHN) Dietietic Practice Group; the Nutrition Entrepreneurs (NE) Dietetic Practice Group; the International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD); and is a professional speaker for the Eating Disorder Information Network (EDIN) here in Atlanta. Julie has also provided continuing education for other dietitians.
Since receiving her degree, Julie has worked in community nutrition, clinical nutrition and private practice. In addition to her current private practice, she has been a PRN nutritionist at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. She worked as a dietitian for the WIC program in North Central Florida and with the Obesity Prevention Program in Duval County, FL. She has experience working at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa, FL, with all types of patients, including pediatrics and clinical care. She also worked as part of a multidisciplinary team - including a medical doctor, psychologist, and physical therapist - in a weight management program. She most recently added part-time work at a nearby hospital to maintain clinical skills.
In 2005, Julie started Positive Nutrition, a private practice providing nutrition services. Positive Nutrition was created with the goal of providing appropriate nutrition instruction to individuals and groups, specifically to prevent disordered eating.
Julie has conducted individual nutrition consultations as well as provided group nutrition educations and presentations. She specializes in innate eating, family nutrition, disordered eating counseling, and "food coaching" for athletes. Julie has also been involved with providing nutrition education to students from elementary school through college. Julie enjoys helping clients of all ages. She has helped preschool-age children learn about nutrition as well as worked with a small business on a healthy eating program.
Since relocating Positive Nutrition to metro Atlanta in 2007, Julie's goal is to help make the area residents healthier and happier. She is involved in various local networking groups to promote nutrition education, wellness, and prevention and treatment of disordered eating. She writes articles and continues to work on gradually writing a book about nutrition.
Julie lives in Canton, GA, with her husband of twenty-three years, their eighteen-year-old son, their fifteen-year-old daughter, and their ten-year-old boy/girl twins.